Class Evaluation

Syllabus Content

1. The syllabus was given out and explained the first day of class.
2. I understood the objectives of the class.
3. The length of the class was appropriate to cover content.
4. The class provided me with new information.
5. Each objective was discussed during the classes.
6. The teaching methods were appropriate for my learning ability.
7. The class was enjoyable.
8. This class has motivated me to learn more about the subject.
9. Through this class I was motivated to be a missionary.

Instructional Materials

10. The script was clearly written and well organized.
11. The script is potentially useful for the mission field.
12. A variety of instructional media was used during class time. (i.e. print, video, slides, etc.)

Instructional Presentation

13. The instructor provides practical classes or opportunities to do practical applications of the content.
14. The instructor was knowledgeable about the subject.
15. The instructor was responsive to my needs/questions.
16. The teaching methods helped me to understand the content.
17. The instructor was enthusiastic about teaching the subject.
18. The instructor was prepared and organized for the class.
19. Participants were encouraged to take part in class discussions, ask questions and/or express opinions.
20. The time given by the instructor to complete practical activities was appropriate.


21. The physical classroom environment (lighting, temperature, noise etc.) was comfortable/conducive to learning.
22. The equipment’s performance was satisfactory (Audio-visual, computer, etc.)
23. The general cleanliness was appropriate

General Questions