Hello! My name is Aysha Sankey. I’ve been here at Wildwood for almost a year now and am currently a 6-month student, about to graduate. I have been a residence assistant (RA) at the Lakeview girls’ dorm for the past six months.

Actually, I was asked to be an RA twice, but it didn’t work out the first semester that I was here as a Missionary Volunteer. I was a little bit hesitant to accept the offer when I was asked this second time, since I didn’t know what to expect. With each semester the challenges are different with each new girl that arrives. However, after lots of prayer, I decided to go for it. I have not been disappointed even once.

It has been nothing that I expected it to be. I knew that I would be helping our dean, Erin, with the basic duties of making sure the dorm is clean, the supply closet fully stocked, chores are divided among the girls, and a few other things. But I wasn’t fully prepared for the emotional, social, and disciplinary part that comes with it. No one prepares you for having to remedy problems between girls, being the one people come to when they need help figuring out a problem, or for the moment you have to be the one to approach a girl about an issue that needs to be corrected. It kind of takes you by surprise when it happens. However, when these things come up, it’s reassuring that I can immediately send up a small prayer and know that God will give me the wisdom I need.

Also the fact that I have a dean who is always available to help me is comforting. Unfortunately my time here at Wildwood has come to an end. I can truly say that being an RA has taught me invaluable skills that I can use outside of the dorm. From listening carefully while not judging anyone, to coming up with solutions quickly; I have learned it all.

I’m very grateful that I was entrusted with this position, because not only did it give me all of these blessings, but it also improved my relationship with God in that I always had to rely on Him and lay everything at His feet. If I could give one tip to the next RA, it would be to not rely on your own wisdom, but to let God lead in everything. We won’t always be prepared for the things that happen in the dorm, and trusting in our own decisions isn’t wise. So just lay it all at God’s feet and He will use you to be a blessing to the girls.