Wildwood has a study/volunteer program for Center for Health Evangelism students. I volunteered full-time the first semester that I was here as part of the Missionary Volunteer program. This last semester, while being an in-class student, I had the opportunity of taking up a new job: that of resident assistant (RA).

I hesitated for a while when I was asked to become an RA. I just couldn’t see myself fulfilling this position. But after much prayer, I said to myself: “You might think that you’re not qualified and don’t have what it takes. Since that’s the case, just do it. You’ll learn as you go.” With this in mind I accepted the job, not doing so because I thought that I had the required skills, but because I actually wanted to develop those skills. It ended up being a very good experience.

Part of my duties as an RA was to keep track of student attendance during morning worship. I also had to lead out once in a while as well. But the most challenging task for me was to make sure that students were in their rooms before curfew. Having my kind of personality, needing to track attendance was not so fun for me. But I can see that the Lord greatly blessed in giving me this particular task, because I had to go against my own wishes and discomfort to complete it. I had to step out of my comfort zone. It definitely grew me.

I learned many valuable lessons while volunteering in the boys dorm. One of them is addressing important problems and being upfront about things, though in a kind and Christlike manner. These skills are needed not only as an RA, but for anything in life. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to grow in a friendly and healthy environment that our dorm is.

I’m super thankful for the eleven male students who stayed at the dorm this semester, who didn’t cause any major problems during my time as an RA. Thank you guys for making my life so much easier! I hope that the students next semester will be as well-behaved as you guys.