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Student Life

Bonfire Hymns and River Hydrotherapy at Student Campout
The highlight of every semester at Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism is campout. Twice a year students organize this weekend trip for in-class students, that connects those taking the course with each other, workers, and Mission Volunteers who come along. This...

An Unqualified Yes: Accepting Job as Boys’ Dorm Resident Assistant
Wildwood has a study/volunteer program for Center for Health Evangelism students. I volunteered full-time the first semester that I was here as part of the Missionary Volunteer program. This last semester, while being an in-class student, I had the opportunity of...

Social Health: How God Blessed Me With Friends at Wildwood
Before coming to Wildwood, my social life was less vibrant. I often worked or prioritized other endeavors. God has been teaching me the value of human connections, and that He has created us to be social. While I always enjoy reading a book or spending some time...